[Salon] You Have Witnessed History Today in Moscow and It Is Consequential


You Have Witnessed History Today in Moscow and It Is Consequential

21 March 2023 by Larry Johnson 

There are moment in time that change the world. Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941 was one of those. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 was another as was 9 November 1989, when the wall in Berlin, Germany, erected by the Soviets, was torn down. And you have witnessed another one today, with Russia and China signing historic, unprecedented agreements.

Prior to 1642, Russia and China had no diplomatic or military interaction. 

From 1652 to 1689, China’s armies drove the Russian settlers out, but after 1689, China and Russia made peace and established trade agreements.

In the intervening 334 years, China and Russia never established a de facto alliance. At times that were at odds and, during the last 50 years, U.S. policy made it a priority to keep a wedge between Moscow and Beijing. That is over. China and Russia are now allies, with China being the largest industrial power in the world and Russia the largest supplier of critical commodities. Their political union marks the end of Pax Americana and the U.S. domination of the international order.

Pay close attention to the joint-statement of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping:

◾️ The Russian Federation positively assesses the position of China on Ukraine, and China positively assesses the readiness of the Russian Federation to launch negotiations;

◾️ Russia and China are concerned about the risks associated with the creation of AUKUS and their plans to build nuclear submarines;

◾️ Russia and China call on AUKUS to strictly fulfill its obligations to non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

◾️ Russia and China are planning to strengthen a comprehensive partnership in the energy sector;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China believe that in order to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, it is necessary to prevent bloc confrontation and incitement of conflict;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China are concerned about the military-biological activities of the United States, they demand clarification on this matter;

◾️ Russia and China will expand scientific exchanges to ensure the technological leadership of the two countries;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China urge to avoid the degradation of the crisis in Ukraine and its transition “to an uncontrollable phase”;

◾️ Russia and China oppose all unilateral sanctions imposed bypassing the UN Security Council;

◾️ Russia and China are pushing for the US to speed up the elimination of its stockpile of chemical weapons;

◾️ Russia and China will strengthen cooperation in agriculture to ensure food security;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China plan to promote mutual and global energy security;

◾️ Russia and China insist that NATO strictly observe the defensive nature of their organization and respect foreign sovereignty;

◾️ Russia and China oppose the formation of “closed exclusive bloc structures, bloc policies and opposing camps” in the Asia-Pacific region;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China will increase the scale and optimize the structure of trade, including through the development of electronic commerce;

◾️ Russia and China are going to increase the level of financial cooperation and strengthen cooperation in the financial markets;

◾️ The United States must take real action to address the legitimate concerns of the DPRK and create conditions for dialogue;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China are concerned about the intensification of US activities in the field of missile weapons and call for an end to undermining international security;

◾️ Russia and China are against attempts to use space for armed confrontation and will oppose such activity;

◾️ Russia and China will expand mutual access to agricultural products and strengthen investment cooperation in this area;

◾️ The Russian Federation and the PRC are aimed at cooperation in the field of mutually beneficial supply of basic goods and mineral resources;

◾️ The Russian Federation and China oppose the militarization of IT, they are for multilateral, equal and transparent global governance of the Internet.

This is a game changer. The world we have known will no longer have the United States as the first among equals. In the same way that World War II marked the end of the British imperial empire, today’s events in Moscow are a death knell for the United States being able to act as the global policeman who imposes order on unruly countries.

The pitiful state of America’s power was on display as it tried in vain to sabotage the Putin/Xi summit:

  1. An information campaign stating that Xi Jinping will not come
  2. Threats against China if Xi Jinping comes
  3. Requirements for China to condemn Russia
  4. Requirements for China not to supply weapons to Russia Only the West has the right to supply weapons to Ukraine.
  5. Statements that any Russian-Chinese agreements will not matter
  6. Hasty organization of the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit to Ukraine on the day of Xi’s visit
  7. The death of Chinese workers in the Central African Republic
  8. Announcement of hasty deliveries of new weapons to Ukraine
  9. Declassified intelligence documents aimed at blaming China for the origin of the coronavirus
  10. We began to equip a new military base in the Philippines

The Biden Administration is flailing in its response to this new alliance. The loss of American influence in the world is not going to happen overnight, but the process has started. Remember this day. It will change the lives of your children and grandchildren. Let us pray that is for the good.

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